July 30 - Quality Time

Back out on the Pony Express route with Harriet,

now south from Quality Inn on Orange

(part of the connected series heading east, with another set west -- both trajectories reckoned from the 505 north junction)

to Walnut.

Heading across town,

we eventually wind up at Wren's Cafe,

situated at the Canyon separating the Central and North Lagoon Mountains. 

A fine time,

and eventually

home to begin

The Gospel According to St. John, Op. 327
        VI. Ego Sum Panis Vivus

partly during the 2019 Democratic Presidential Primary Debate IIa (vote for the Bernie Sanders of your choice!  Down with the Pathological Lying Megalomaniac Sociopath Occupant!  Impeach! Convict!)

115th day of summer

(errands earlier),

high again down, now 5, to 88...