August 28 - Warmest Wishes

[Early Egyptians marching towards Music Appreciation Quiz 2 (Ancient Music) -- Worksheet 2, actually, Open Notes again!... Tuesday, September 3, Pleasant Hill; Wednesday, September 4, San Ramon; Friday, September 20, Late Start]

 F Lydian and Major (in Bass Clef, with Half Notes)

Major Scale Whole Step / Half Step Pattern (C)

... in Bass Clef, with Half Notes

... on a musical keyboard

Four Texures of Music 

Monophonic - One line of music, strictly performed

Heterophonic - One line of music, freely performed

Polyphonic - More than one line of music, with lines of equal importance

Homophonic - More than one line of music, with one line more important than the others


California (Yurok) - Women's Brush Dance
(background on the dance, but we should write on the music)
(with notation)

China - Entrance Hymn for the Emperor
(Recording and Notation)
(alternative video)

Seikilos - Epitaph (Notation)


Second session with the DVC San Ramon Music Historians,

including Quiz 1 --

meeting thereafter with John McGrew re San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra's Fall 2019 show (8pm, Saturday, October 5, 2019, Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Church, San Francisco, CA), Pleasant Hill for paper grading, etc.,

then eventually over the Bay to

Erling Wold's for SFCCO Board meeting re aforementioned concert, on the 145th day of summer, high down 6 to 96

Fairfield, 84
Martinez, 89
Pleasant Hill, 82
San Ramon, 80
Berkeley / San Francisco, 69
San Rafael, 75
Petaluma, 72
Sears Point / American Canyon, 77
Vallejo, 88 

Late return through Marin, composing

Macbeth, Op. 328
    Act III
        Scene III. A park near the palace.

(7 pages total)