September 20 - Fine Tuning

Undated World

and Ancient selections for the

Diablo Valley College Late Start Music Historians,

on this Greta-Thuneberg-inspired

Global Climate Strike Day (with all in spirit, but we've got a limited number of class meetings as it is...) -- 168th of summer, high up 6 to 88, locally and in Fairfield (Martinez / Pleasant Hill, 87).

Thereafter, back on the Pony Express route,

eastbound from Pottery Paradise


Laguna Creek Bridge,





out with

Harriet, Megan, and Izzy to take in  

Ad Astra,

with a score by

Max Richter.

Later in the


time to bid bon voyage to Izzy

and finish

Julius Caesar, Op. 329 (after William Shakespeare)
    Act I
        Scene III.  A street.

[14 pages total]

... also beginning

No Exit, Op. 330 (after Jean-Paul Sartre)

     I. Hm!