September 27 - Drum Circle
Happy Native American Day! Initally unacknowledged by about 1/3 of the Diablo Valley College Pleasant Hill Late Start Music Historians and me, but we are soon brought up to speed, looking forward to a double-dose of Medieval Magic next week, as Owen Lee organizes percussive forces and we anticipate tomorrow's The Opus Project presents Opus 79-80 (8pm, Saturday, September 28) in this same venue (DVC Ensemble Room).
All's well, on the 175th day of summer, high crashing down 15 to 76 (Fairfield / Pleasant Hill, 73;
Martinez, 68 -- the coolest since May 27's 73), composing page 3 of
Julius Caesar, Op. 329
Act II
Scene III. A street near the Capitol. / Scene IV. Before the house of Brutus.