January 13 - Predictions, Predilections

The predicted rains have still not arrived for the weekend and week,

so the giant sundail formed by the front yard tree's shadow against the street makes its predilected rounds from 1:44 to


eventual high down 1 to 61,

the distant mountains shining and

the light

subsequently subsiding,

as rather a lot of early Igor Stravinsky --

Symphony in E-Flat, Op. 1 (1907)
Faun and Shepherdess, Op. 2 (1907)
Pastoral  (1907)
Scherzo Fantastique, Op. 3 (1908)   
Fireworks, Op. 4 (1908)
Funeral Song, Op. 5 (1908, once performed, presumed lost, rediscovered 2015)
Two Melodies, Op. 6 (1908)
Four Piano Etudes, Op. 7 (1908) 
The Firebird (1909)
Two Poems of Paul Verlaine, Op. 9 (1910)
Petrushka (191)
Two Poems of Konstantin Balmont (1911)
King of the Stars (1912)
The Rite of Spring 1913)

-- serves as the background to general catch-up, plus editing page 27 new-edition Mice and Men, Op. 45: Act IV, beginning

The Decameron, Op. 289
     100 Novels for Voices and Instruments, after the work (1353) of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
          Tenth Day / Novel VII - King Pedro, apprised of the fervent love borne him by Lisa... ,

and composing system 8

Broke Dance Suite, Op. 290
     IVb2. Danse Banane Sauvage (Freud)