Filing of 2018 Opus Project music continues, as does editing page 27 new-edition Mice and Men, Op. 45: Act IV, composing system 3
The Decameron, Op. 289
100 Novels for Voices and Instruments, after the work (1353) of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
Tenth Day / Novel VII - King Pedro, apprised of the fervent love borne him by Lisa...,
and finishing
Broke Dance Suite, Op. 290
IVb2. Danse Banane Sauvage (Freud)
on the very rainy (1.49 inches -- most in 1 day for the season -- 8.62 since July 1) 15th day of spring, high down 6 to 52... second-coldest of season, along with January 6, and surpassed only by the next day's 50,
with again a fair amount of music by Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) in the background
Three Japanese Lyrics (1913)
Three Little Songs (1913)
The Nightingale (1914)
Three Pieces for String Quartet (1914)
Pribaouki (1914)
Berceuses du Chat (1915)
Renard (1916)
Four Russian Peasant Songs (1917)
Song of the Nightingale (1917)
Histoire du Soldat (1918)
Ragtime for 11 Instruments (1918)
Piano-Rag Music (1919)
Three Pieces for Clarinet (1919)
"Histoire du Soldat" Suite for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano (1919)
Concertino for String Quartet (1920)