January 21 - Crystal Clear
Steam rising off the freshly--hot-washed glasses,
a perfect time to get work done by the
(distant mountains gleaming, on the 21st day [MLK] of spring, high down 1 to 62), including editing oage 33 new-edition Mice and Men, Op. 45: Act IV, and composing system 4 / 6
The Decameron, Op. 289
100 Novels for Voices and Instruments, after the work (1353) of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)
Tenth Day / Novel VIII -
Sophronia, albeit she deems herself wife to Gisippus, is wife to Titus Quintius Fulvus
Broke Dance Suite, Op. 290
IVb3. Basse Dance (Jouyssance Vous Donneray)
with a playlist during general catch-up continuing in the Igor Stravinskian modus...
Bluebird (1941)
The Star-Spangled Banner (1941)
Circus Polka (1942)
Danses Concertantes (1942)
Four Norwegian Moods (1942)
Ode (1942)
Babel (1944)
Scenes de Ballet (1944)
Scherzo a la Russe (1944)
Sonata for Two Pianos (1944)
Ebony Concerto (1945)
Symphony in Three Movements (1945)
Balanchine-Stravinsky Chorale (1946)
Concerto in D for String Orchestra (1946)
Orpheus (1947)
Mass (1948)
The Rake's Progress (1951)
Cantata (1952)
Concertino for 12 Instruments (1953)
Septet (1953)
Three Songs from Shakespeare (1953)
Four Songs (1954)
In Memoriam Dylan Thomas (1955)
Canticum Sacrum (1955)
Greeting Prelude (1955)
Tango (Orchestration) (1955)
Chorale Variations (1956)
Agon (1957)
Tres Sacrae Cantiones (Carlo Gesualdo) (1957)